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Martina Trenier


Immune system

Your immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that defends the body against infection. It is a defense system comprising many biological structures and processes within a body.

Up to 80% of your immune system is located in your gut. Your gut bacteria is constantly communicating with your brain. Chronic stress can affect your immune system. When your immune system is under pressure, the resistance to the virus is not so strong.

To boost our immune system we can use more vitamin D, echinacea, elderberry, oregano, garlic, ginseng, ginger, probiotics and about 8 hours of restful sleep.

To weaken the immune system is to take the antibiotics when you don't need them (antibiotics do not kill viruses, don't take them when you have a cold); smoking (damages the liming of the respiratory tract); stress and not having quality sleep.


Infection is an invasion and mutiplication of microorganisms such as bacterias, viruses, and parasites. It can stay localized, or it may spread through the blood or lymphatic vessels. Viral infection in the body can cause the immune system to attack and damage cells around the nerves.


Virus is a small infectious parasite that replicates inside living cell of an organism. Viruses can affect the central nervous system by infecting and destroying cells in the central nervous system and cause local swelling during the acute illness.


Bacteria is a unicellular living microorganism that can infect any area of the body.

Bacterial and viral infections can be spread by caughing, sneezing, kissing, sex, contamined food, water, plants or animals.


Inflammation is a part of the immune system's response to injury and infection. It is the body's way of signaling the immune system to heal and repair damaged tisssue, to defend itself against viruses and bacterias. Signs of inflammation are heat, pain, redness, swelling or loss of function.

Our nervous system

The central nervous system controls most functions of the body and mind. It consists of the brain and the spinal cord. A nerve is a bundle of fibers that receives and sends messages between the body and the brain. These messages are send by neurons that transmit signals among different parts of the body. Most of the neurons can't be replaced.

Peripheral nervous system is a system all the nerves in the body that lie outside of the spinal cord and the brain.

Autonomic nervous system is a control system that acts unconsciously and regulates our heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, urination and more bodily functions. Autonomic nervous system is connected to Solar Plexus chakra. Have you ever noticed that when you experience a stressful situation you put your hands around your navel area to try to calm yourself down? Also gallblader and spleen are found in the Solar Plexus chakra; people who have chronic gallbladder issues are usually under chronic stress and anger. Spleen is connected to our lips so when you are under stress it weakens the spleen/pankreas function and the autonomic nervous system sends a message to your lips via cold sore (for example). Triple Warmer plays its role here as well. I put together an article about the Triple Warmer (see my blog section).

The sympathetic nervous system directs the body's rapid involuntary response to stressful situations. A flash flood of hormones boosts the body's alertness and heart rate, sendinng extra blood to the musles.

The parasympathetic nervous system restores the body to a calm state.

Chronic stress

Chronic stress is the response to emotional pressure suffered for a prolonged period of time. It sends a danger signal that stops blood from rushing to your brain, immune system, and digestive system and instead directs it to your limbs. Your body can't digest properly, your immune system can't protect you and your brain can't think straight. Chronic stress contributes to inflammation, faster aging, unhealthy skin including eczema problems. Your nervous system is no longer in balance. Our energy is stuck in a place we don't have our awareness yet - we are unaware of the places where the energy is not flowing in our body. It all creates a friction and starts to overstimulate the surrounding tissues. The tissues became overactive or exhausted, they can collapse, break down and cause inflammation or infection. It is hard to rest, replenish and nourish the body. Stress can directly deplete the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are so important in maintaing a good mood.

Cold sores

Cold sores and their related viruses have something to do with our nervous system.

These viruses are comlicated and they are lot of them so I will focus mainly on the cold sore virus on the lips (herpes simplex), because I receive questions about them from my clients all the time.

Once the herpes simplex infects a person, the virus goes into hiding inside the nerve cells. It will be hiding there probably for rest of your life. The cold sore virus resides deep in the nerve roots and may reactivate at a later time. It lies dormant in the nerve endings at the base of the spine. It will be periodically waking up from its "hibernation" to reignite infection. After infection the virus enters the nerve cells and travels down the nerve to the skin and causes a cold sore outbreak.

This particular virus "likes" people with lots of stress in their life (emotional, mental and physical). Signs of chronic stress are: low self-esteem (Solar Plexus Chakra), low energy, headaches, irregular sleep, digestive problems (Solar Plexus again), rapid heart beat, insomnia, nervousness, frequent colds, flu, and infections. Certain foods can cause herpes recurrences - chocolate, peanuts, sunflower seeds, soy, coconut and sugar (sugar raises the acidity of the blood). Exposure to strong sunlight can cause the facial herpes to show up. Dental work can make the virus to recur as well (trauma, stress, sensitivity...). Another thing that can cause herpes to recur is the changes of the seasons, particularly the transitions from winter to spring and summer to fall.

Cold sore treatment

This virus is so comlicated that there is no medication that would get rid of it from the body forever. The doctor can prescribe Valaciclovir but it doesn't fix the stuck energy in your body. People who have herpes simplex virus in their body have to deal with it and love themselves even more with paying their attention to what is happening inside of their body, to communicate and be best friends with their own body. "Inward awareness" as I always say.

You have to boost nutrient intake by eating fish like salmon, and any wild caught fish, legumes, organic naturally raised meat, vegetables, oranges (vitamin C), beta carotene, antioxidants, omega 3 foods, B komplex and zinc (zinc protects the body from viruses and infections, you can find zinc in liver, grass-feed beef, pumkin seeds, nuts or spinach). Make sure you add zinc and vitamin B6 to your diet, because your viral sores might be the result of zinc deficiency and its associated complications. Lemon balm extract can be also helpful, garlic, echinacea, licorice root. Vitamin E used topically, for example, on the lips, will relieve pressure and irritation.

Take care and pay attention to your Solar Plexus Chakra. Try to work with it to make it stronger, healthier and improve its vibration.

Essential oils: Tea tree oil, clove or myrrh oil (small amount). Apply a cotton swab with myrrh oil or diluted tea tree oil directly onto cold sore. You can use lavender later to sooth the sore and to stimulate the growth of new skin. Fresh aloe vera is another option. For protection you can make your own mouthwash with a few drops of peppermint, tea tree oil with raw honey - do not mix with water, intead mix with sage or rosemary tea. I gargle with sage tea all the time to balance Ph of my mouth ant prevent outbreaks.

Avoid sugar, too much alcohol and smoking, GMO's, processed food, acidic foods, meat, hydrogenated oils, onions, and dark chocolate when you already have outbreak of herpes virus.

Toothbrushes should be changed frequently or soaked in baking soda.

To balance and heal the nerve cells we have to eat balanced diet, fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of water, have vitamins B (B6, B12), folate, zinc, magnesium, vitamin D (sunlight),

omega 3 fatty acids and we have to exercise, practise deep breathing, yoga and walking barefoot is another way how to calm our nerves. Spending less time with our phones and screens is a necessity to heal.

Foods for brain and nervous system: salmon (pacific wild, not the atlantic from the farm), broccoli, eggs, avocados almonds, nuts, oatmeal, dark chocolate (don't eat dark chocolate when you have a cold sore already on your lips!!!). Herbs like echinacea and licorice root, ginseng, taragon, lemon balm tea (two cups a day).

deep breathing, meditation, vizualization, yoga, calm music, head massage ("brushing your hair" exercise), arm massage and relaxation.

The best medication for cold sore, virus infection and stress?

Hug yourself, really squeze yourself with love and say :

"I only create peaceful experiences in my life. All is well."

Louise Hay

(5 times a day and you will see how better you feel)

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