Fast food is inexpensive, fast option how to eat. It is more convenient for people who don't cook at their homes. It is easy to get even without leaving the car. Fast food is heavily advertised to get deeply in people's brains. Fast food is often part of lifestyle of overweight people.
Fast food is usually synthetic, highly flavored, contains chemicals, is calorically dense which leads to respiratory problems, asthma, shortness of breath and obesity. The body suffers with too much pressure on lungs, heart and other organs in the body. Fast food is hight in salts, sugar and fat. All of these are great combination for food addiction which triggers brain centers to release dopamine.
Here are a few examples of ingredients found in fast food:
Sugar - glucose, fructose, sucrose = table sugar, from cane plants or sugar beets. Sugar is a cause of lot of diseases and the primal cause of obesity.
High fructose corn syrup
- common sweetener in sodas, fruit-flavoured drinks,it can harm our cells and promote risk of fatty liver disease; it contains no essential nutrients; drives inflammation in the body, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer.....
Sodium nitrate
- a preservative, in some processed meats (bacon, lunch meats), can be also color fixative in foods like poultry. High levels can cause colon cancer, leukemia, heart problems, stomach problems, thyroid and pankreas problems.
Hydrogenated oils
Hydrogenation is a process in which a liquid unsqturated fat is turned into a solid fat by adding hydrogen. It helps increase shelf life and save money. Manufactures can keep foods fresher for longer. Artificial fats are in most baked foods, snack foods, fried foods, packaged foods, coffee creamers or ready to use dough.
Artificial sweeteners
- are chemicals added to some foods and beverages to make them taste sweet.
Aspartame - in chewing gum, cold breakfast cereals, puddings, carbonated beverages, yogurts. Aspartame contributes to weight gain, obesity, birth defects, depression, headaches and cancer. Aspartame can trigger metabolic syndrome. In high doses aspartame is carcinogenic.
Saccharin - in cookies, candies, drinks, medicines; can cause breathing difficulties, skin irritations, headaches, diarrhea
Sucralose - is linked to Crohn's disease; may raise blood sugar levels, insulin levels, causes diabetes, obesity, can damage the bacteria in our gut, leading to leaky gut and irritable bowel syndrome
Fluorine can be found in food wrappers like burger, sandwich wrappers (Mc Donald Big Mac, Burger King's Whopper); can cause weak immune system, fertility or cancer
Potassium bromate
Can be found in breakfast sandwich buns , french toasts and pizza doughs in some fast food chains. It is used in flours like a bleacher. It is a dangerous carcinogen, can destroy our thyroid, kidneys and other organs; It is very toxic.
Propylene glycol
- is used to preserve texture in food. Can be found in dressings, marinates, soft drinks, frostings. Propylene glycol can harm our liver, kidneys, or our neurological system.
Phosphate addictives
Mainly sodium phosphate and sodium alluminium. Can cause kidney disease, heart disease. Chicken nuggets, packaged food, some seafood, cheese contain this toxic ingredient.
Pthalates are chemicals found in plastic containers (milk plastic tubes for example), household items, household cleaners, cosmetics- simply there are everywhere around us!
There are also in some medications. Pthalates can harm our cells.
They are linked to birth defects, asthma, obesity, breast cancer and other cancers, diabetes ll, autism, ADHD, fertility issues and more.
Example how pthalates can harm you : you are having a hot shower, your plastic shower curtain is made of pthalates; you inhale them in the hot steamy bathroom and it affects your brain. Can you imagine the harm to you, your children or if you are pregnant for example?
The fast food system:
From its design, to its fabrication, to its consumption and eventual detrimental effects, there is a measurable cycle involved in the fast food industry. Fast food is engineered for addiction, not satisfaction - its consumer is not meant to feel full after its consumption, but hungry and thirsty for more. The body becomes ill through lack of nutrient intake and overexposure to toxins, and medical advice is sought. Doctors then prescribe medications (supplied to medical practitioners by huge pharmaceutical companies, not coincidentally some of the richest companies in the world), which are usually synthetic and toxin-full, which can lead to cancers, mental illness, and in some cases death. Many people have their lives dramatically altered in the process, some will die, but the fallout of this is not significant enough to trump the profit motive of these enormous, government-connected organizations. And the most troubling aspect of all this is that, if a person looks for help to health organizations, environmental organizations, or political leadership, chances are they will only do a limited amount, so as not to endanger their own positions within the system.
What to do?
- Having faith in younger generation, our children who can change the system.
- Having doctors more educated in nutrition.
- Placing the word "integrity " back into our lives.
- Growing our own food. Eating food that grows in nature.
- Paying attention to ourselves by practising meditation and finding more time for ourselves to heal our brains and body.
- Founding more time for ourselves means limitting technology time, our cell phones, computers TV's, - not to be constantly solicited by ads everywhere we look.
- Being outside, exercise, being physically active.
- Introducing our children to creative activities like playing a music instrument, dancing, drawing, doing sports, to teach them how to love themselves. Keeping their brains busy healthily. Having a sedentary life style desk job where pushing the computer button to get money from people is the main life goal does not bring hapinness and health.
- Buying local, supporting local family business, farmers etc. Eating food with less meat and more plants, nuts, seeds and spices.
- No supporting fast food chains, big food companies, no buying " food in boxes ", packaged, processed factory food.
You can change yourself for better health. The more people change, the system can change, the whole planet can heal.
We are here to experience bliss, joy and total health. Let's work for it, enjoy it before we die.