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Martina Trenier


Glucose is the main type of sugar in your blood, the type of sugar that your body uses for fuel. It is the source of energy for your cells in the body. It is needed for cellular respiration. Glucose powers the cells, maintains the energy, and ensures that your body functions properly. Blood glucose is the main sugar found in the blood. It is an important source of energy and provides nutrients to your body's cells, organs, muscles and nervous system. It is also the primary source of energy for your brain.

The word glucose comes from Greek glykus = sweet.

Glucose is a carbon structure. Carbon is very important for life on this planet. Its compounds regulate the Earth's temperature, make up the food that sustains us, and provide energy. Life on Earth would not be possible without carbon.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the Pankreas. Insulin that moves glucose from your blood into the cells for energy and storage. Glucose is derived from the foods we eat and insulin unlocks the cells, allowing glucose to enter and be used for energy, so our body can function well.


Hyperglycemia is too much glucose in the blood. Hormone insulin resists work properly, it is not working well in the body. It can happen to people with a family history of type 2 diabetes, overweight people or inactive and lazy people who are overweight.


  • excessive thirst

  • feeling tired

  • feeling hungry

  • dry mouth

  • blurred vision

  • urinating large amounts

Consuming too much food like :

  • sugary beverages - sport drinks, soda, energy drinks, fruit juices

  • sweet sugary food - candies, cookies, cakes, doughnuts etc.

  • too much potatoes

  • processed foods like salad dressing and other

  • refined foods

  • fruits like mangoes, bananas, pineapples


Hypoglycemia means too little glucose in the blood. It can happen when insulin is not working properly and we have low blood sugar levels (often with diabetes). The cells in the body aren't receiving enough energy.


  • fatigue

  • a rapid pulse

  • sweating

  • increased hunger

  • shaky, feeling dizzy

  • irritability

  • anxiety

  • nausea

  • unable to concentrate

  • brain fog

  • feeling low energy

  • stress causing sugar cravings

We have to minimize foods like:

  • sweets

  • sodas, juices, sweet drinks

  • saturated fats

  • trans fat

No sugary sweet food for breakfast, no too much bread for breakfast or too many dairy products. Blood sugar spikes are sharp rises in blood sugar usually around 11 o 'clock after breakfast. This is the time of many car accidents on the road when people get tired, dizzy, shaky after that sugary coffee + not quality breakfast in the morning.

Sugar cravings usually come around 4 o' clock in the afternoon usually after not very quality lunch and sedentary lifestyle behind the computer. Again feeling not having energy, weak, fatigued (the brain is asking for more energy). So what do people usually do to get more energy for the rest of their afternoon? More coffee and sugary food to get the boost (to survive; not to live, to enjoy ). The cycle continues - sugar addiction, stress, anxiety, hunger, cravings for more sweet or junk food, brain fog, feeling powerless....


  • Taking care of yourself every day, approve of your self

  • practicing REGULAR relaxation, regular exercise with effort

  • regular walks, sport activity

  • regular breathing practice with a proper teacher

  • Yoga - slow deep breathing in Asana practice that helps deliver O2 to blood.

  • massages

  • healthy balanced diet with vegetables (no sugar, sugary drinks, no dairy)

  • water to drink

Affirmation: I don't need to control everything anymore. My life, my moment NOW is filled with joy. I experience the sweetness of today's present moment.

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