Who is the master in our body who tells other glands what to do and when to do what ? Who sends signals to other glands and organs via our hormones?
It is the Pituitary gland, a pea-sized gland situated in the brain, in line with the top of the nose, behind the bridge of the nose, behind the temple area inside the base of the brain, below hypothalamus. The Pituitary gland is connected to the hypothalamus by a stalk (blood vessels and nerves). They make decisions together whether to send or to stop hormones (chemical messengers) that control their functions.
The Pituitary gland rests within a hollowed out of area of the Sphenoid bone called the Sella Turcica ( from Latin it means " Turkish seat"). If this area is unbalanced, we might experience headaches, vision changes or hormonal imbalances. The Pituitary gland is placed around vision nerves and smell nerves. It sits below the optic chiasm = the point where the fibers of the optic nerves cross each other.
It is called the "master gland" because it regulates the body's growth,sexual and reproductive development and function, metabolism, blood pressure, through the hormones that it produces.
This gland also regulates the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads, lactation and skin pigmentation. It affects the body's organs, namely the kidneys, also the uterus and breasts. The Pituitary gland response to our stress and traumas.
The Pituitary gland consists of two lobes:
The Anterior lobe - is larger, it is connected to the hypothalamus through blood vessels. The anterior lobe occupies 80% of the total weight of the Pituitary gland. This lobe produces hormones that regulate our metabolism, reproduction, thyroid - stimulating hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone for sperm production and for an egg development, Prolactin hormone for milk production, lactation, Luteinizing hormone for ovulation stimulation and for testosterone production.
2. The Posterior lobe - is connected to the hypothalamus through a nerve tract. This lobe is responsible for production of a hormone called Vasopressin - a hormone that regulates the tonicity of the body fluids,this hormone can indicate a water shortage in the body; it causes the kidneys to reabsorb solute-free water and returns it to the nephrons circulation.Vasopressin regulates water delivery into the cells until there is an unmistakable signal of abundant water supply for all body function. If the blood becomes more concentrated from the breakdown of muscle and fat, this allows the brain, kidneys, liver to maintain efficiency. Once Vasopressin becomes secreted, it acts as an on-off stimulant for the cortisone release.
Another hormone in the Posterior lobe of the Pit. gland is Oxytocin. Actually it is made in the hypothalamus and the Pit. gland stores it and releases it. Oxytocin stimulates the contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus (during childbirth). it is also used for the contraction of the smooth muscle of the breast for milk production.
You can live without the Pituitary gland as long as you take medication to replace the Pit. gland hormones that you are missing.
How to take care of our Pituitary gland?
Eat a plant based diet - leafy greens, nuts, legumes, whole grains....
Be sure you have enough manganese, magnesium, iron, iodine, vitamin E
Include milk thistle in your lifestyle diet ( milk thistle is great for healing brain tumors).
Move and exercise to increase blood flow to the brain for its better function and to stimulate circulatory system
Practice yoga regularly. Including Pranayama's Nadi Shodhana = subtle energy clearing breathing technique, an alternate nostril breathing for less stress and to energize the mind.
Another healing breathing is called Brahmari breathing = humming like a bee, its vibration goes in the bones and head and the cerebral cortex of our brain sends impulses directly to the hypothalamus which collaborates with the Pituitary gland. It calms you and heals you too.
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